Our Agents
Jennifer Freday-Hyland
Jennifer has lived in the New Albany/Blacklick area for 16 years and just loves it. She knows all the neighborhoods inside and out and can help you select the best one for your family’s needs. She has worked as a real estate agent alongside Jane Kessler Lennox and her clients for the last 7 of those years. Pleasant, professional, hard-working, enthusiastic and organized. Jennifer uses the latest Internet marketing tools to expose your property to the widest possible range of qualified buyers.
Why work with Jennifer as your real estate agent? For one thing, she really listens to you and will work tirelessly on your behalf.
From My Clients
Words cannot express how thankful I am for Jennifer standing by me in this “journey”. I almost feel as if she took some of the hardships more personally than I did! She was a true friend every step of the way and that meant so much to both my mom and me. I hope she comes over to see what I’ve done to the place when it’s done. Thank you for everything!